Personal Note

Hello and welcome. My name is Victor Moukhortov and I am a web architect living in Richmond Hill, Ontario. I build user-focused, fast, robust, scalable, continuously tested and delivered web applications

When I’m not working, my interests include moral philosophy, social science, (building) architecture, literature, and baking. I sometimes lift weights, play hockey and drink tea.

Technical Note

The goal for this website was to create a content-focused, typographic layout that is minimalistic in both design and implementation.

This page is an example of current[1] best practices in web typography. The design features a consistent vertical rythm and a responsive layout. Where device resolution allows, paragraphs of body text are formatted to be 30em wide for optimum readability

1. This site’s layout/CSS hasn’t been updated since I originally authored it circa 2010! It seems to have help up pretty well, if I do say so myself.